Sunday, March 9, 2025

10 Years

Wow. 10 Years ago, a little telnet-based talker called CrazyLands was born. It was just as the “web” was getting its feet, and the masses were waking up to this “Internet thing”.

CrazyLands was my first glimpse into the emerging power of the Internet. Telnetting into this little talker, you could chat, in real-time, with people from all over the world. In an instant, the words you typed would end up on screens in Canada, US, UK, Austrailia and many other places around the world. You could have a conversation around the globe as easily as across the office.

Unlike many of the online chats that followed, CL had the comfy feeling of home, protected from the all-pervasive flames that marred the others. Word of CrazyLands spread not by search engines or spam, but by word of mouth, meaning that most people on CL knew someone else already. You weren’t anonymous. You couldn’t lie about your age, sex or anything else, so you could just be yourself.

Many great friendships were formed, and even some couples and marriages. That is the true power of the Internet; the power to bring people together and to make the world a much smaller place.

Happy 10th Anniversary, CrazyLands!



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