2006 Atlantic Hurricane Season quietest since 1997

The hurricane season draws to a close this week, as we approach December 1. So what happened?

A year after Katrina, Dennis, Rita and Wilma attacked from the the Atlantic, predictions were calling for “13 to 16 named storms, with eight to 10 becoming hurricanes, of which four to six could become ‘major’ hurricanes of Category 3 strength or higher”.

The actual tally was a much calmer 9 named storms, 5 becoming hurricanes, and only 2 (Gordon and Helene) hitting the Category 3 mark.

In fact, it was the calmest hurricane season in recent memory.

Year Named Hurricanes Major
2006 9 5 2
2005 28 15 7
2004 15 9 6
2003 16 7 3
2002 12 4 2
2001 15 9 2
2000 14 8 3
1999 12 8 5
1998 14 10 3
1997 8 3 1

(Source: Wikipedia)

So what does this mean? I don’t know, but lets count ourselves lucky and move on. Chances are we won’t be so lucky next year…


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